Nitrous Oxide for Kansas City Births!
In 2019, Nitrous Oxide became available in Kansas City to laboring people at Research Medical Center (HCA Midwest Health) and Overland Park Regional Medical Center. The addition has been a part of a resurgence of availability across the country that started in 2014. While Nitrous Oxide or “laughing gas” has been readily available in delivery rooms in the UK, Canada, and Australia for over a century, the US was slow to have it be a part of our pain management options.
Do Doulas Work With Epidurals?
There is a misconception out there, and it just won't go away. And it's this: if you hire a doula to be at your birth, they won't let you get an epidural. And it's just not true. As your doula, it is my job to help you feel comfortable and informed. Since 70% of births in the US choose to include an epidural, supporting clients with epidurals is a big part of what I do.
What to Pack for your Hospital Birth
If you are anything like me, then you like to be prepared. I have always been the type of person who finds comfort in knowing that I have some control over my life, especially when preparing for something as uncontrollable as birth. I am totally “that mom” who always has a bottle of water, Aleve, Carmex, peppermint oil, and honey sticks in my purse… at all times… just in case.