What it’s like to run a doula business: A guide for new doulas
Doula Journal, Kansas City Doula Charity Vazquez Doula Journal, Kansas City Doula Charity Vazquez

What it’s like to run a doula business: A guide for new doulas

What is it really like to be a doula and run your own business? I am often asked this question by new doulas. I see this as a two-part question. There is the part that makes you a successful business owner, and the part that makes you a good doula. So I have decided to share what my experience has been. First of all, it's hard. Super hard. It takes an incredible amount of work, sacrifice, and emotional maturity to be successful in this business.

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Where to eat in Kansas City after your Hospital Birth
Doula Journal Charity Vazquez Doula Journal Charity Vazquez

Where to eat in Kansas City after your Hospital Birth

As a busy birth doula in Kansas City, I can assure you that I know two things (besides birth) very well. First, I can tell you where there is a good coffee shop within any five-mile radius in the city, and second I know where to eat near all of the KC hospitals that I serve. The way to my heart has always been through my stomach, so when it comes to food (and birth support 😉) you can trust me!

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Doulas of Greater Kansas City, Featured Doula
Doula Journal Charity Vazquez Doula Journal Charity Vazquez

Doulas of Greater Kansas City, Featured Doula

This month I was honored as the Doulas of Greater Kansas City’s featured doula! In case you have not been on their website recently, here is the article of mine they shared. Hi, I am Charity, owner, birth doula, and photographer of Mahina Birth Support. As September’s featured doulas, I would love to share a bit about myself with you.

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What’s in My Doula Bag
Doula Journal Charity Vazquez Doula Journal Charity Vazquez

What’s in My Doula Bag

What is in your Doula bag? As a birth doula, I get asked this question A LOT! I have a feeling expecting parents like to think my bag is similar to Mary Poppin’s bag (which would be so dope!!) but the truth is, it is way less magical. New Doulas always ask this question of me too, so I thought I would simply make a post about it!

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Backup Doulas Are Essential
Doula Journal Charity Vazquez Doula Journal Charity Vazquez

Backup Doulas Are Essential

When you hire a doula it is such a personal thing! Finding someone who is just the right fit for your birth team can take some time, so the idea of having her not be at your birth would be very hard. Believe me, as your doula I feel the exact same way. I want nothing more than to be there for the families who have chosen me as their doula. However, I have learned that the only thing predictable about birth is that it is unpredictable!!!

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My Journey to Became a Doula
Doula Journal Charity Vazquez Doula Journal Charity Vazquez

My Journey to Became a Doula

Aloha, I am Charity, the Birth Doula and Photographer at Mahina Birth Support in Kansas City. Birth work is the destination that so many aspects of my life have led me to. As September nears, I feel it is appropriate to share my journey into the birth world by starting at the beginning. I was a young mother when I had my first child 22 years ago this September.

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