Babyshower Gift Idea
What to get someone for their baby shower can be challenging. I know there are gift registries these days but as a mother of four myself, I know that half the items on most registries never get used. How can you get them something unique and creative that they will absolutely use? Because seriously how many blankets can one baby need?
The Role of Grief in Birth
From afar, birth is joyous, miraculous, and full of hope. It is the renewal of life- the start of an entirely new person who will have unique experiences. It can feel that way for those experiencing it too, but it is more. Birth taps into a deep well of emotions not typically accessible in the day-to-day. The vulnerability needed to trust a team of professionals to help you at a cornerstone moment in your life leaves a family feeling raw and exposed. It does not mend quickly. The tenderness is a gift of sorts. This a reminder to go slow. An awareness of a new kind of healing.
Postpartum Professionals in Kansas City
Compared to the number of prenatal appointments pregnant people attend, the number of visits planned for a postpartum person is laughable. In case you aren't aware - there is usually only one appointment. Sometimes there are two if a baby is born surgically.
Racism and Discrimination in Maternal Health: What Can You Do?
The American Academy of Pediatrics made a bold statement last fall about racism in the United States, and has admitted that it should be treated as a "socially transmitted disease." The disease is showing itself by way of chronic stress and is connected to many health problems. Research from 10 years ago linked racism and discrimination to low birth weight in African American populations. More and more connections are being made to widespread institutionalized racism during pregnancy and childbirth, and well-known women of color, like Serena Williams and Beyonce, are giving the problem a recognizable face. Racism is not new news, but it is starting to be taken seriously in the birth world.
Preparing for Birth with PTSD
We have long recognized that through discomfort and adversity we are given the opportunity to transform and grow. Birth is classified as a normative crisis in a female's life and requires giving up their identity and assimilating another. Add to that the hard fact that there is "little professional or public literature which agrees on the psychological symptoms women experience" during childbirth. I would say all birth has some level of trauma. Whether that trauma is transformed into stress or growth has a lot to do with how supported you felt as a birthing individual.
The Benefits of Baby-wearing
If you wound back the clock 15 years, you would have been hard-pressed to find a Tula or Moby anywhere other than the internet. But now, on the eve of 2020, babywearing is no longer seen as an "alternative" method of transport and caretaking. Babywearing has become mainstream, to the point that Target, the second-largest retailer in the US, has several kinds of babywearing devices on hand.
Cup Feeding for Newborns
The decision to breastfeed your baby is a very personal one. Today, many parents do choose to breastfeed for at least some portion of time. In preparation for their breastfeeding journey parents often take classes, read books, watch videos, and do tons of research. One topic that is not always covered in the vast information gathered is how to supplement a breastfed baby. You are not always presented with the need to supplement your breastfed baby, but if you are, I want to be sure that you know you have options. Many parents that I support as their doula have never heard about cup feeding. I personally love this option so I want you to know it’s out there!
Do Doulas Work With Epidurals?
There is a misconception out there, and it just won't go away. And it's this: if you hire a doula to be at your birth, they won't let you get an epidural. And it's just not true. As your doula, it is my job to help you feel comfortable and informed. Since 70% of births in the US choose to include an epidural, supporting clients with epidurals is a big part of what I do.
Understanding Your Due Date
As a Kansas City birth doula, I spend a significant amount of time talking about pregnancy due dates. I take a limited number of doula clients per month. When determining my availability for your birth, your actual due date is pretty irrelevant to me. I take clients based on their birth month rather than their actual due date. Most people find this information shocking! I would love to explain why I determine my availability the way I do, but first, let’s talk about when you are actually due.
Doulas of Greater Kansas City, Featured Doula
This month I was honored as the Doulas of Greater Kansas City’s featured doula! In case you have not been on their website recently, here is the article of mine they shared. Hi, I am Charity, owner, birth doula, and photographer of Mahina Birth Support. As September’s featured doulas, I would love to share a bit about myself with you.
How the Mind-Body Connection Affects Your Birth
I would love to talk a little bit about the mind-body connection during childbirth and how as your doula I can use this connection to support your best birth. In this post I will talk a little bit about a few of the essential hormones needed during childbirth and how we can both encourage and understand them:
The Weeks Before Birth
The last few weeks before the birth of your child is often considered the most challenging of your entire pregnancy. It is the time between who you once were, and who you are about to become. By this time you have already decorated the nursery, packed your bag for the hospital, loaded your freezer with meals, washed all of your new baby clothes, and are just waiting… and waiting… and waiting.
What’s in My Doula Bag
What is in your Doula bag? As a birth doula, I get asked this question A LOT! I have a feeling expecting parents like to think my bag is similar to Mary Poppin’s bag (which would be so dope!!) but the truth is, it is way less magical. New Doulas always ask this question of me too, so I thought I would simply make a post about it!
Choosing Birth Photography
Birth Photography is fairly new to the photography scene. When people think about the times when they want to capture their memories for a lifetime, first on the list is wedding ✔ and newborn ✔. Birth photography is often overlooked. Why is that? I personally think it is because of the way birth has been portrayed. Birth is often painted as an experience that is shocking, scary, hidden, and not worthy of remembering. But if you are someone who has experienced birth firsthand you know that birth is not just the birth of a child but also the birth of a mother and is worthy of remembering. Birth is the most transformative event that you will experience in your lifetime.
Is Your Doula an Advocate or Ally?
Is your doula your advocate or your ally? I rarely hear the word ally used in doula circles, however, I hear the word advocate being tossed around frequently. Here in Kansas City, I get asked often by potential clients if I will be their advocate. As a doula I know that the words we use are important, so please allow me to share my perspective on this with you.
How to Choose a Doula
When you find out that you are expecting, you suddenly realize there are so many things you need to make decisions on. Many of these things you have put little to no thought into before your pregnancy. How will you make these decisions, especially when you are not even sure what questions you should be asking? Choosing a doula is one of these decisions. You know you would like to have a doula at your birth. All of those lovely stories from friends about how their doula massaged their back and squeezed their hips for hours, screams, SIGN ME UP!!!
Doulas Are For Dads Too
Finding out that you are expecting is such an exciting time!!! So many hopes and dreams are born in our minds. We have visions of how we want to bring our babies home, and images of our happy family all snuggled together. As our due date gets closer, we often start to wonder how our birth itself will look. Do we want an unmedicated (“natural”) or medicated birth? How will we handle this experience? How will our partner handle this experience? Who will we have to support us? These are important questions to ask.
What to Pack for your Hospital Birth
If you are anything like me, then you like to be prepared. I have always been the type of person who finds comfort in knowing that I have some control over my life, especially when preparing for something as uncontrollable as birth. I am totally “that mom” who always has a bottle of water, Aleve, Carmex, peppermint oil, and honey sticks in my purse… at all times… just in case.